Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Environmental Pollution and Insourcing

The current election campaign of President Obama is focusing economy and employment. He and his crew is also condemning outsourcing and have offered an alternative solution called ‘insourcing’. Through this insourcing practice, they want to bring the manufacturing jobs back to country and ultimately rebuild a strong middle class to buy these manufacturing goods. Mr. Obama and his crew also condemned Mitt Romney for outsourcing manufacturing jobs from Massachusetts. Insourcing is expected to bring the manufacturing jobs back to country; however there are some challenges in its way and environmental pollution is one of them.

The manufacturing companies outsource their manufacturing tasks to their third party outsourcing partner. This is one aspect. Truth is manufacturing companies outsource environmental pollution to these companies along with their business tasks. Eventually, they feel good after outsourcing their tasks to one of BPO companies in some Asian country like China or India.  The overall pollution level of the world keeps rising.

“In fact, we import close to $3 billion worth of what used to be the heart and soul of the Rust Belt every month. All the pollution was sent there along with it. That is why it is 'Feel Good Environmentalism.' The pollution levels are higher than ever -- but we sent it to the other side of the planet where we don't have to look at it, so we get to feel good under the illusion of having helped the environment.” [Source: Outsourcing—Unacknowledged Causes and Unintended Consequences].

Insourcing might be a threat for the BPO companies outside the US; however coping with the environmental pollution caused by manufacturing processes is a question mark with respect to insourcing. In Asian countries like China and India, majority of people is less bothered about environment; however Americans are much bothered about this issue. What are your thoughts about this key factor associated with insourcing? Express your view in the comment box.

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