Monday, 23 July 2012

Google Zoo War & SEO Tactics

According to a detailed study, the recent Google Zoo updates affected websites and their rankings shockingly much. The research shows that more than 12.5% of the search results were deeply affected by the Panda updates, which were antidote to spam, keyword stuffing and over optimization. The websites had not yet recovered from the blow when Penguin updates fell in, affecting 3.1% of the search results, detecting the low quality material, punishing it and bringing up the quality stuff. So, the whole idea behind the updates was to make the search more useful for the users and eliminate low quality material from search ranks.

So what to do about all these changes? Now that the old SEO marketing tactics have gone down the drain, what kind of new strategies need to be built to bring back the website on top ranks? With the new changes, there are various new dos and don’ts that need to be kept in mind. First of all you need to shift your mind from quantity to quality of your website, for ultimately that’s exactly what the Google Zoo war is about. For once, if you’ve grabbed this specific approach, you are in the right direction and no search engine algorithms can bring your website down.

Many companies had severe loss in businesses due to the zoo war, and many of these companies have been turning towards BPO companies to get the help of experts in understanding these changes better and bringing back the lost status. And of course, it is the work of experts. However, the companies who are still trying to apply the black hat or grey hat tactics are not going to go very far in the game of search engines and rankings. Change, and keeping yourself updated, is the key that can unlock any door to success in the cyber world!

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